Monday, July 25, 2011

Success for Locks of Love at Hands Down by Rebecca...

I had the honor of photographing such a meaningful event on June 12,2011. As the club photographer for the Garden State Rotary I have been lucky enough to meet wonderful new people as well as be involved in exciting programs. The Locks for Love event we hosted was no exception. I was so in awe of the amazing people who so selflessly stepped up and donated their hair for such an important cause.
As explained on the website: "Locks of Love is a public non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children in the United States and Canada under age 21 suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis. We meet a unique need for children by using donated hair to create the highest quality hair prosthetics. Most of the children helped by Locks of Love have lost their hair due to a medical condition called alopecia areata, which has no known cause or cure. The prostheses we provide help to restore their self-esteem and their confidence, enabling them to face the world and their peers."

The ladies from the salon, Hands Down by Rebecca were so friendly and talented turning out some adorable styles. Check out some of these fun before and after photos.

The length requirement for Locks of Love is a 10 inch pony tail. We collected 17 pony tails throughout the day!

This group of beautiful women below were so cool they donated together. Mom and her 2 daughters are so amazing and just look at all of that gorgeous hair... someone is going to get fantastic wigs! Dad came along for support and to cheer them on, I love the family affair!
For the people who didn't have long enough locks we had other fun to provided with many wonderful donations and face painting for the little ones. As you can see our adult volunteers had fun with the tattoo painting as well.

It was the little ones that impressed me the most though! We had quite a few lovely little ladies that were so excited to be able to help others just by getting their hair cut. Below are photos of these shining stars. When children donate the receive these adorable pink teddy bears from the organization as a thank you. This little one is donating for a second time. MY HEROS!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Boys, Bunnies and Bubbles

Ty was just a twinkle in his parent's eye the first time I photographed him for their maternity photos. Three years later I had a blast chasing him around to capture his many sneaky expressions. "Don't you look at me ty" brought on the best little giggles.The little ladies man sure knows how to wink...
We spelled out his name and .....

Building the blocks up then quickly knocking them down was just one of the fun games we were playing.
In processing these portraits some of them just seemed to lend themselves to some interesting color and texture options.

Hiding those hands from me in his pockets, switching from the front pockets to the back really showed his playful little spirit. In between all the silly pics we managed to snag a few little GQ poses :)

We started our photo shoot with a little clubhouse look,
Ty was having such fun pulling the teddy bears around in the
He is just one cool dude!

Can you beat that smile!

Just a little surprise....Papa bunny joined us for a few photos.
His mischievous look.

His tears turned into giggles quickly, too much fun with those bubbles.
Sharing those cute little piggys with us.Mommy sure was a great bubble blower and Ty could not have had more fun catching them... he even made a few good ones himself

This lolli pop was almost bigger then the big man's face but it didn't stop him from getting some great big licks in!

Enjoy this little teaser, your private gallery wil be following.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Anticipating meeting their baby boy...

This was such a fun photo shoot! Sherry's mom bought them the best gift for Christmas. The first baby, a gift certificate for a maternity session is such a beautiful way to share all the excitement of this amazing time in their lives with friends and family. Dave and Sherry are going to wonderful parents. Sherry looks so beautiful pregnant and though Dave doesn't love taking photos he did great helping us create theses special memories. Here is just a little teaser from the session we had on Saturday. ( The full gallery is on it's way you two).

I can't wait to meet that beautiful baby boy!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A fantastic holiday session with 2 rambunctious boys!

This session was action packed! I had so much fun chasing these two boys all over the house. This session proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that just capturing the boys rambuntious antics instead of trying to tie them down to a pose will always give you the most fantastic portraits. Below is a teaser of our session: so much more fun is to follow soon ladies!You just can't beat smiles like this!
I was welcomed to the house by a very naked Spiderman, Xan who is 3 years old didn't want to get dressed and was shooting his Spidey Webs at everyone...
With a little team work and bribing...he-he the ladies were able to get the big man dressed, good job Dana and Marcia I was impressed :). As you can see above even clothes don't stop Spiderman! LOL

We quickly headed outside and the boys ran right for the awesome playground in the backyard! The colorful fall leaves are a perfect backdrop.

Max, who is 7, is an AMAZING budding artist and was slaving away on a picture of characters from one of his favorite Batman cartoons when I first met him! He is truly talented.

The leaf fights and giggling were infectious. This was just too sweet a moment with grandmom to pass up!
Ok, so I did a little bribing myself. I had these two giant lolli pops hiding in my car and the boys did such a great job they deserved a prize.

I'm so glad I was able to help out and fill in for Melissa this year, our thoughts are with you! I really enjoyed talking after our session ladies, you really know how to make a girl feel comfortable. We seem to have so much in common with our mother / daughter family dynamics and house stories among other things. I'll be talking to you ladies very soon...